The Massive DeBeers Monopoly Mining Company is quietly abandoning S.Africa completely
Date Posted: Wednesday 06-Feb-2008
I was chatting to a friend who used to work for De Beers and who was retrenched there. She was telling me some strange things indeed. She said that if you look at De Beers, you will see that very quietly they are abandoning South Africa.
They mask it under the label of BEE (Black Economic Empowerment - which is when black businesses buy into White companies), but they are deliberately shrinking the company. They are retrenching people every few years, and the company is getting smaller and smaller.
She said when she was there, De Beers owned 12 mines and now it only owns about 3.
It is all quietly disguised as giving the blacks their BEE quotas, but in reality the company is being deliberately shrunk in South Africa while it is exploring all across the world and investing heavily elsewhere.
We were discussing how BEE companies were also hitting the wall. That is another trend. She said that BEE companies are going down.
This brings me back to that book, RICH DAD, POOR DAD. In it, the author asks the question: Why was income tax conceived? (Income tax was actually the first invention of communism I might add).
Ans: In order to take more money from the Rich.
Then he asks: Who pays the least taxes?
Ans: The Rich.
The moral of the story is this: The Rich do not think like the common people. The Rich do not just toe the line when told to. The Rich either have their own brains, or they hire the brains, to find ways of getting around laws. The Rich will use their economic, legal and political influence to find ways to survive.
The ANC may want to screw the Rich, but the Rich will leave the ANC some empty vessel to pick up. The Rich have taken their money and left...
Posted By: Jan